Office of Teaching and Learning

Upcoming Events Schedule

OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)

Explore applying UDL principles to ePortfolios in this insightful workshop. Discover how the flexibility of ePortfolios aligns with UDL principles, allowing for the implementation of multiple means of engagement, representation, and action/expression. Learn how leveraging ePortfolios as a teaching tool enhances the learning experience for students by providing equal opportunities for success.

Note: All UDL Your Course Workshops can be applied to the Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program for the Accessibility and UDL competency - synchronous component (Adjunct Faculty participating only need to attend one of the UDL Your Course workshops). The workshops can also be applied to the Teaching for Inclusion and Equity (TIE) Foundational Badge.

Canvas Inclusive Teaching Practices Educational Technology UDL Your Course Series Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program Accessibility Pedagogy Faculty Development Assessment DU Portfolio

SIE Complex 1020

This is the third event in a teach-in style series co-hosted by the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Graduate School of Social Work, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, and the Provost’s Office. This event is designed to offer an exploration of the U.S. election drawing on a panel of DU faculty experts. Key themes will be presented by experts with time for audience participation in questions and answers.  We will gather in the FORUM, SIE COMPLEX, Room 1020.

This event is student-focused. Faculty and staff are welcome to attend. 

Dinner will be served. 

Campus Partner Workshop VPFA

OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)

Join us for "Inclusive Classroom Participation," a part of the UDL Your Course Series, designed to support faculty in exploring and implementing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework. This workshop focuses on crowd-sourcing ideas to maximize the use of discussion boards, set up effective think-pair-share activities, and assess student participation with inclusivity in mind. These strategies aim to center the needs of students with disabilities while enhancing participation experiences for all learners.

Note: All UDL Your Course Workshops can be applied to the Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program for the Accessibility and UDL competency - synchronous component (Adjunct Faculty participating only need to attend one of the UDL Your Course workshops). We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable individuals of all abilities to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact the OTL at or at 303-871-2084.  

Faculty Development Inclusive Teaching Practices Educational Technology UDL Your Course Series Adjunct Teaching Excellence Program Accessibility Pedagogy

OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345); Zoom link will be sent to registered participants who wish to attend virtually)

SFF Monthly FLC Meeting

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345); Zoom link will be sent to registered participants who wish to attend virtually)

The Heart of Higher Education is an opportunity to gather as a DU community to share the challenges and opportunities of transcending the institutional, professional and personal choices that tend to separate core identity/integrity from day to day actions. The meetings are open to all faculty (of any rank) and staff (of any title). The Conversations are hosted by Clinical Professor Paul Michalec from the Morgridge College of Education. The Heart of Higher Education Conversations create a positive and constructive space where staff and faculty can explore ways of re-connecting calling with professional responsibilities. Our time together is bounded by norms designed to create an open invitation to share while respecting individual choices to not share at a particular time. Prior to each meeting an agenda and brief reflective reading is sent out. Please feel free to bring a lunch. 

Three faculty and staff currently attending the Heart of Higher Education Conversations offer the following observations:

I value the opportunity to connect in a personal and intellectual way with other like-minded DU colleagues.  The welcoming, caring environment allows me the opportunity to put aside titles, positions, levels of education, etc. for a few minutes and just focus on the shared humanity of striving to find purpose and meaning in our work and lives.”

Heart of Higher Education fills my soul each month as I gain insights and reminders of how my inner life is connected with my work with students.  I am grateful for the vulnerability of my colleagues who share openly about how they integrate their authentic selves with the work that they do.”

The Heart of Higher Education is a space where we can show up as our whole selves.  I am so looking forward to continuing with this beautiful group and our soulful conversations this quarter!  And, even though I can't make every meeting, I loved reading this poem, and I’m going to make certain I have some time to reflect upon it. What a gift.”

All sessions will be 12:00-1:00 with an in person and a Zoom option (Hyflex).

Zoom link:

For more information please contact Paul Michalec at

We are interested in learning more about the modality preferences of our participants. Please complete this survey. Note: this survey does NOT register you for any events, please visit continue to register through the event system. 

Faculty Development